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TANIA A. PRINCE: Guiding Transformation and Empowerment

With an unwavering passion for catalyzing positive change, Tania A Prince has dedicated over three decades to empowering countless individuals on their transformative journeys. Tania possesses a wealth of experience in guiding clients through a spectrum of challenges, from trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and depression, to issues of self-confidence, weight management, physical discomfort, and beyond.

Tania's expertise is a fusion of modern breakthrough techniques and a deep well of wisdom. As a certified NLP and Hypnotherapy trainer, Tania's repertoire is enriched by diverse cutting-edge methodologies. She is notably the visionary creator behind MBIR™ (Mindfulness Based Inner RePatterning), a potent and accessible therapeutic approach designed to amplify healing outcomes.

Tania is an EFT Founding Master, a distinction shared by only twenty-nine individuals worldwide. This esteemed credential stems from her integral role in the original EFT Master’s program, conceived by the EFT creator, Gary Craig. Recognized by Gary Craig himself in 2006, Tania's mastery of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has garnered international acclaim and led her to present at prestigious EFT conferences.

Tania is a highly experienced trainer of trainers in EFT. She has skillfully nurtured and mentored aspiring EFT therapists and trainers for over two decades, imparting her profound insights and enabling them to flourish in their practice.

Tania A Prince embodies a unique blend of compassionate guidance, innovative methodologies, and an unswerving commitment to aiding others in rewriting their life narratives. Whether she's assisting clients through the depths of trauma or nurturing the growth of future healing practitioners, Tania's impact reverberates across borders, inspiring transformation and empowerment on a global scale.

Please Note: EFT Founding Master (Originally called EFT Master) designation is different from the current EFT Masters designation. EFT Founding Masters were extensively tested to verify that they were experts in EFT.

Stefan Bajic

STEFAN BAJIC: BA (hons) Visual Communication MCSD


An EFT Trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, and a Photographer and Video Director in the field of visual communication, Stefan Bajic brings a wealth of expertise and compassion to our transformative retreats at SolMontana at CasablancaStef in Yunquera Andalucia. With a passion for holistic healing and a heart dedicated to helping others, Stefan's journey is a testament to the power of personal growth and resilience.


With a BA (Hons) in Visual Communication, Stefan's creative journey began as a freelance photographer in the bustling city of London. Advertising and fashion were the main elements of Stefan's work, later, he ventured into the realm of education, becoming a course leader for BA (Hons) Art & Design Degree programs and pioneering HND & Postgraduate HNC in Multimedia in collaboration with Brighton University.

With an innate desire to help those in need, Stefan transitioned into the world of therapy over 15 years ago. His focus on cancer patients, trauma issues, and anxiety speaks volumes of his commitment to healing and empowering others on their transformative journeys.

Today, Stefan channels his compassion and expertise into organising health and well-being educational training retreats in the serene landscapes of Andalucia, Spain. As a facilitator for SolMontana Retreats at CasablancaStef, he brings together talented therapist's  to complement and support and most of all complement his own expertise in EFT, Reiki, and other holistic therapies creating a nurturing space for self-discovery and renewal

Let SolMontana retreats ignite the spark of transformation within you.

Christie Nicholas

CHRISTIE NICHOLAS: an Inner Child therapist, who lives in Coin, Andalucia, Spain.

Christie's methos of working has led her to become an in-demand therapist working internationally online with clients  and runs clinics and contributes to retreats in Andalucia. 

Christie studied Osteopathy at the British School of Osteopathy which is now the University of Osteopathy with professors from Guys and St. Thomas's hospitals.She also trained in Cranial Osteopathy, Cranio- sacral therapy, Reiki, and later studied in Barcelona to receive a diploma in Art Therapy.  Christie has also trained with Brandon Bays in "The Journey" and various other workshops for over a year and began implementing this method in her work as many of her patients had emotional issues which they came to me with along with physical conditiond found that they came back to her having transformed their lives which they attributed to her work with them.

Always seeking to improve her skills Christie trained as an Inner Child Therapist and using her own experiences throughout her own life, plus her knowledge as a clinician....worked with many clients and patients, amongst who were children with ADHAD and ADD. As a Cranial Osteopath Christie began to see patterns and came to the understanding that family dynamics and the way the brain is wired from traumatic experiences was hugely helpful in understanding and treating these issues, amongst many others. Christie's clients are of all ages...walks of life ( some of who have deep traumatic issues)....people who have been in therapy or psychiatric therapy for many years,  and her methods which she has honed with time and experience, her approach, result in  very beneficial and healing journeys for her clients.

Christie works with other psychotherapists....coaches...psychologists, yogis as well as the normal clients etc and works in a clinic here in Spain with a doctor as well as   for herself. Christie’s experience is wide across the board of therapeutic issues and practices which includes continued training in coaching.,

Christie is an intuitive and empathetic therapist with a deep understanding across a range of varies emotional and health issues

Jennifer Haberer


My passion is to hold a safe space for others to listen, without judgement, to the wisdom and intelligence that resides within our own bodies.

The solution to all life’s challenges is found within us by exploring and integrating all domains of our being – mind, body, emotions and spirit. 

The ‘art’ of listening is to bring presence to whatever is showing up in this moment.

The process is primarily to connect with our heart qualities resourcing ourselves with good feelings. From this beautiful space within, we allow any stuck energies to surface so they can be integrated into the whole.

Sometimes techniques can help us along the way. I use Emotional Freedom Techniques and Matrix Reimprinting.

A hands on Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy session brings deep relaxation and further integration. 

Experience and Training: since 2004 I have been holding group and individual mountain retreats.


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: European School of Craniosacral Therapy 1998.

EFT and Matrix Reimprinting: Karl Dawson 2011

Hatha Yoga and Remedial Yoga: Howard Kent 1980

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